Hola! Hello! Ni Hao! Bonjour! Welcome to “Online Storytime!”

Online Storytime is 30 minutes of stories for little kids who are staying in the house all day. It includes storybook readings and songs, read and sung by a group of friends. We’re doing it to keep ourselves sane, your kids entertained, and perhaps give you a little break in your hectic day. 

Storytime is on Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. PST

Sign up here to get login details so you and your littles can tune in.

Sign up here to volunteer to read, sing, or help out.


Hope this brings you a little joy.

If you have any questions please check the Contact Lucy page and send me an email.


Storytime schedules (past and next)

April 30:

April 23:

Dr Li and the Crown Wearing Virus, Francesca Cavallo, (in Mandarin)

Music together?

The Good Egg and The Bad Seed (in English)

April 16:

Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman (English)

Cowboy Leo and Rustler Sam, musical accompaniment, with possible special guest…

Buenas Noches, Luna by Margaret Wise Brown (en espanol)

April 9:

Julius: The Baby of the World, Kevin Henkes (English)

Musical interludes

World premiere of No Play, a story by a 6 yr old author (the Queen’s English)

A l’école des ogres, Geoffroy Dussart (French)


April 2:

The Diary of a Worm, 蚯蚓日记 Doreen Cronin, (Mandarin)

Music!, Wren Elhai and friends

Odd Velvet by Mary E. Whitcomb, illustrated by Tara Calahan King (English)

Music!, Wren Elhai and friends

Bread and Jam for Frances, Russel Hoban (English)

Wait, wait – there will be more…


March 26:

Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type, Doreen Cronin, English

A musical interlude (get your favorite instruments and play along)

Donde Viven Los Monstruos, Texto e Ilustraciones de Maurice Sendak , Spanish

A musical interlude (get your favorite instruments and play along)

If you give a mouse a cookie, Lauren Numeroff and Felicia Bond, Mandarin


March 19:

A Hole is to Dig, Ruth Krauss and Maurice Sendak, English

El Viaje de Jenny, by Sheila White Samton, Spanish

Next Stop, Grand Central, Maira Kalman, English